To bear the sins of our fathers

You are a sinful man! From the day you are born, to the day you die you will crawl in the filth that is sin and death.
There is no tabula rasa, your story has alredy been written.

Well, perhaps things are not that bad, but what I´m getting at is the absurd notion that we all do sin everyday and should feel ashamed for it.

Im all for feeling ashamed for things you do. But then it should be something you actually did, that you should have prevented. Perhaps you hurt someones feelings deliberately, or you commited a crime against someone..

But to go everyday and ask for forgivness for beeing human, thats just plain stupid.

Lets take an example: As a witness your not allowed to masturbate. This is said to be something wrong. There are actually nothing in the bible that say that its not ok. Someone lectured in bibleknowledge might ask about Onan? The man that had sex with his brothers wife but ended the intercourse, drew out and came on the ground. He was later killed by God for this. But when you read about this in the bible you soon discover that Onan got a mission to inpregnate his brothers wife, so that the brother could get an offspring. This was something that God wanted, and by not doing his "duties" he displeased God, and got the ulitmate punishment.

Anyhow, Witnesses decided that it´s wrong, since it breeds unpure thoughts and can, according to them, lead to an earlier sexual debut and more active thought towards this unpure subject. And there´s a lot of different religions that of some reason feel that this is wrong.
If this is true, why did God create us with the highest sexual urge before the age of 20, and then recomends that we do not get married before we grow older and more mature? He gave us the abillity to greatly enyoy sex and also the capacati to do it on our own. Why should we then feel guilt for answering this desire?  I read somewhere that about 95-98% of all people have masturbated. This is nothing you need to be taught, there is noone that tells you that you should start masturbating, there are no educational videos about it. But still, almost everyon has done it..
Can it really be said that something that comes so naturally to all of us should be banned and frowned at as something inpure and sinful?

We have sin, so that we can be controlled. By making us feel ashamed we seek forgivness from our Father, we want to feel aproved and loved. By controlling sin, you controll man. Guilt is a very strong emotion, and doesn´t have to be logic or relevant.

To be a good man, is not about feeling guilt, its about always aspire to do good things.


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