Did God created the Devil?

All things are from God. Before God, nothing existed. This is according to the bible.
If this is true, then God has to have created the Devil and all that according to christianity is evil?
Can it then be true that God is Love? Can he be both?

Some would say that God and the Devil is the same. Two sides of the same God. There is alredy a whole lote for deities that suffer from divived personalities, for example the trinity. To go from that to that God is both, isn´t a far stretch.

According to what I´ve been taught, God did indead create the beeing that later would be known as the Devil.
The original meaning of the word Devil is accuser. The Devil was a angel in God army of angels, that harbored questions about why God should be the only one to rule over men. According to the bible the Devil was greedy and wanted more power than God wanted to give him.
He accused God, and said that man should be given the right to choose for them self.  After a serie of events mankind was thrown out of the Garden of Eden and put outside of Gods grace.
The heaven was now divided and worked against eachother. One for good, and the other for evil.

If this is true, can it be said that God is without blame? He did create the angel that came to be the devil, and for some reason didn´t manage to change that angel´s view of right and wrong. He had created the growthplace for what came to define all evil...
According to the principle of free will, there has to be something to choose between. I Eden it was the holy tree, that Adam and Eve was prohibited from eating. Today we have a broader spectrum of Good-Evil to choose from.

Without something to choose from, we have no free will, and therefore evil is something that must exist. And if it has to exist, by the principles given to us from God, then evil has to have come from God?


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