Why do many oppose Jehovah's Witnesses and tell me not to study with them?
I love the psycological work beeing done here.
The first paragraf refers to the preachings of Jesus and how he told that people following would be opposed beacuse of this. This they take in direct relevance to their own teachings.
The fact that the preach to people of other religions actually allowes them to turn people they meet to apostasy, something the Witnesses hate when it happens to their own members. Why convert people to apostasy, when not allowing it themselfs?
But this is my favorite: "Witnesses believe that they have found it. Otherwise, they would look for another religion.-Matthew 7:14."
Oh, if it was so easy. The social and mental implications of changing religion, all in one simple sentance
Or the question about who will survive the end of this world? They start with saying: No. Millions that have lived in centuries past and who were not Jehovah's Witnesses will come back in a resurrection and have an opportunity for life.
Witch actually only states that people alredy dead might have a chance. They then continue with:Many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness before the "great tribulation," and they will gain salvation
So, all who do not take a stand together with the witnesses will die in the burning flames of Armaggeddon..
The question actually goes unanswered. The only answer they give is that Jesus was opposed, and therefore the witness will be to. Thats the only explanation to the whole question.... Interesting
What is wrong with premaritual sex?
An authoritative answer to these questions can come only from our Creator-Jehovah God. And in his Word he tells us to "flee from fornication." (1 Corinthians 6:18) Just what does that mean? The Greek word translated "fornication" is not restricted to sexual intercourse but includes a variety of lewd acts. So if two unmarried people engage in oral sex or in fondling each others' reproductive organs, they are guilty of fornication
One quick note. The greek word translated fornication is not restricted to sexual intercourse but includes a variety of lewd acts... The fun part is that the article doesn´t tell the reader how they came up with theese facts,
According to this site, fornication come from the latin language and speaks what is done in the archway, meaning what prostitues did. This in itself doesn´t tell if they conducted oral sex, mutual masturbation or/and anal-sex, only that fornication is based on the acts of the prostitue
This site, gives the same explanation.
I can´t see any real evidence that tell what is included in the word fonication...
Or this: from the same article:
Then there are the spiritual and emotional aftereffects. King David's sexual sin endangered his friendship with God and nearly led to his spiritual ruin. (Psalm 51) And while David recovered spiritually, he suffered the consequences of his sin for the rest of his life
But wasnt David married? and the women he slept with was alredy married? That can hardly relate to premaritual sex, can it?
Im not saying that the organisation of witnesses is wrong in their interpetation of the bible that says that it is wrong to have sex before you´r married, I just wanted to state som wierd explanitory problems in the article
Im ready, and a new world opened before my eyes
Well, almost atleast.
For the first time in my whole life, I´ve been searching the web for information about the Jehovas Witnesses. Doing the aspostates work, so to say.
As I earlier stated, noone approached me, and tried to make me change my viewpoint. I myself have led the search for a wider base of knowledge.
And this grows more and more interesting. There are so many things I´ve never thoughts of, and some that I´v had a feeling about, but not beeing able to put words to it
Im not gonna go through the different "evidence" that the Witnesses are not governed by God, but instead of imperfect humans, but the evidences are there.
I´v read both sides, and there are some large holes in the doctrince that is the life of a witness.
I grow more and more asure that I´v lived my first 24 years in a lie....
And the funny part is that it doesnt really bother me that much. I know I´v learned a lot from it, and Im "blessed" with the fact that Im still rather young and have the majority of my life still left living.
Anyhow, there is a whole world out there with both "good" and "bad" evidence for both causes. And I can only trust my own mind to pick the right one
A responsibility
This is of course not true, especially when you blog only for your own sake, but the feeling is present nontheless.
Today was the birthday of my Gf. 25 years old, same as me. We are now 50 years together, woho.... ;)
Anyhow, suprised her with breakfest in bed and some gifts. We are going riding on saturday... and I have never done that.
So, Im supposed to be sitting on a horse for about 2 hours, while smiling and having a good time. This is gonna be interesting.
Read in the news that some store´s a starting to bann energidrink for people below the age of 18. Haha! It´s times like these I love being above the age of 20, when I can do what I like. But I find it rather strange that they put the same age-restriction to energidrinks as to alcohol. And there are still no scientific evidence that energidrink is dangerous for you.
Although the amount of sugar/caffeine/taurin is likely to make you a bit scittish, the same effect can be perfomed with some candy and a coffee.
Im all for controlling the young one, but only because Im not effected by it. But if the wanna bann energidrinks, or brand it as dangerous as alcohol or cigarette, they would make it illegal to have sex before the age of 18 to ;)
I have no ide what I wanna do with my life, and I´m "alredy" 25 years old.
It´s not that I´m not happy where I am right now. But I like a challenge, and it would be nice to have a more specific goal to aim for.
When I was younger, I always wanted to be like those around me, Beeing an "eldery" in the congregation, having a family to care for and people around me that cared for me. I never really had any dreams about what I would do as a proffesion. Those around me had other goals, and work was more about getting the funds to finanse other things, not to enjoy..
Anyhow, I like where I am now, but would´nt mind a new challenge
Writing is not speaking
I really like english. If I could choose, I would have it as my native language.
But writing is not speaking, and yesterday I got the oppertunity to actually speak a lot in english. I try do to it as much as possible, since I wanna develop my english, not only keeping it status qou. And yesterday we meet a friend that from England originally. It was really fun, and it made me want more.
Well well, Ill have to settle with writing in reading, for now ;)
Unpure minds
I earlier stated that We think, therefore we are. So if we think bad things, does that mean that we are evil?
But can we really controll our mind? Our are we victims of our own thoughts?
We all know that we some times get feelings and thoughts we don´t wanna harbor? You can get so angry that you wanna hurt someone, even kill them. Distrust, jealousy and many other un-nice thoughts is part of beeing human.
But is it then true that a thought can be unpure? Can someting be unpure and wrong, when we all have those thoughts?
Having a thought is not the same thinking about it. You might get a "flash of jealosy" when for example, your partner does something you don´t like. That doesn´t mean that your a jealous person, since you don´t "stay" with that thought. You don´t let it be a part of who you are.
I tink, therefore I am. But me and my mind is a collection of thoughts, not a single idea. We decide who we wanna be, by choosing what thoughts we nurture and nesting in our minds
Texas hold em
Friday the 13:th
How could someone come up with the stupid idea that any friday is a bad day? It would be a lot easier to understand if it would be monday or tuesday. We all hate those days anyway.
But why are some people afraid of this date and day?
Apperantly this has started sometime in the early 1800:ies There are som different ideas on where this comes from.
One is that Jesus had 12 apostles, and when Judas the Betrayer laid down, he was the 13:th. Or that they were 13 at the table and that Jesus died on a friday.
Some other folklore tells that Loke, God of evil and betrail, came as the 13:th guest to a feast in Valhalla. At that feast he trickt another God to shoot its brother by misstake.
The nr 13 has been cirulating as a speciel nr for several thousand year. Before christianity one can find it in books of magic and witchcraft.
I you wanna read more about it, look here

The impressions from renegades
Be aware of renegades that will twist the word of God and sow doubth in your heart.
I wonder where are they hiding? I´v never been contacted by any renegade, or promted by anyone to read books or articles from renegades.
I actually still don´t read them, since many renegades are bitter and angry, and not objective in their writing.
I want the facts, not the twisted truth of fanatical worshippers or bitter renegades
Excommuncation and the family, part two
And this is something I´v heard several times. Also the article I linked to earlier states some examples.
In the article, the writer has interviewed some people that have been shunned, but returned.
Read this: . Being totally cut off from loved ones and from close contact with the congregation created a strong desire to repent. I realized just how wrong my course was and how serious it was to turn my back on Jehovah.'
I took that from the article. The interesting part with this is that the person´s first reaction is that the emotional pain of beeing apart from family made her realise that she should repent. Shouldnt it be that she Loves God and feels that she has done something wrong? The desire to be with her family made her return.
And this: My decision was not an easy one for my family to swallow, for my son, five, is the only boy, and they love him dearly.' It is hoped that losing such association will touch the parents' hearts, from the same article.
The woman actually refused to let her son meet his grandparent, so that they would come back to the congregation, not for love of God, but for the love it their grandchild.
This is totaly insane! Using the love for your family to "force" people back into a congregation they don´t wanna belong in?
Shouldn it be love to God, or the evidence that the Witnesses has the "absolute truth" that makes them come back?
The truth should entice people to the congregation, not emotional tricks and blackmail
Excommuncation and the family
You can find it here
There are two different things here I can´t agree with. Things I had an issue with from the beginning, but saw through a different light then.
I don´t agree with the excommunication-process, but there are a lot of scripual refferances that are in line with what the witnesse are doing. Jesus followers created congregations and put down several principles on how to shepherd over them. If you belive in the bible, this is hard to argue against. There are several practical rules in the congregation on how this should be handled, many of them interpered from the bible, but not litterly written down.
What I have some problems with is how this is dealt within the family, and how the excommunication is used to scare and "force" people back to the congregation.
The only scriptual reference to that the family shouldn´t have any contact with the excommunicated person is this one
The problem I have with this is two separe things. The first is that this is written far before Jesus walked on this earth, and before he created the new congregation and principles christian live under now. Even if the principles from the Old testement may still have value, people that belive in Jesus and God should not live under its rules. We don´t stone people anymore, or hold slaves for example.
The witnesses carries the argument that as the child dies for its sins, the family can no longer be with the family-member. So, according to this, an excommunicated person is dead to its family. He/she has alredy been condemmed by God and will suffer death as penalty. Its like sitting in deathrow, waithing for the leathal injection.
The problem with this is that while God might be almighty, people arn´t. Things go wrong and misstakes are made.
I know that women have been excommunicated for beeing raped, and not yelling during the actual rape. They have changed this now, and articles from the early 90:s state that the woman could be so paralyzed or scared that she can´t scream for help, and thus should not feel shame for this. But until that date, people were shunned if they did not scream.
This is outragous and no the work of an Loving God.
So, if the argument is true, then the elderly take on the right of God and condem the excommunicated people to death, thinking they are God?
This, on the other hand is hard do argue with. But many argue that this is only relevant to friends and people within the congregation, not relatives
There is no verse in the bible that state that family-members should stay away from their excommunicated family-members
2005 we had about 65,000 new immigrants and about 45,000 emigrants.
2006 the numbers were 95,750 in and 44,908 out
Thats an increase with about 47%
And that has increased to about 101,000 immigrants last year.
Im not agains the immigration-pollitics in Sweden. To be honest, I actually don´t know that much about it.
And if it werent for the immigrationrate, Sweden would actually shrink in population.
What caught my attention was the alarming increase from 2005 to 2006
Anyone knows why this is?
Divorcerate, actually less
When I grew up, We always heard that the divorcerate was rising, and that more and more marriages failed.
According to this article, that isnt true. This is only for Sweden, but since Im from here, and live here, thats whats interesting for me.
According to this site, which tracks the population in Sweden we can see a large increase of divorces in 1974 and 1975. About 25,000 marriages each of those years failed and ended. Considering that we have increased our population with about 1 million since then and that the divorces are now down to about 20.000 one can actually see a decrease in divorces.
There are, as far as I can see, no real decrease of the nr entered marriages, so according to statistics divorces are actually less during my lifeperiod, than before.
And for all of us divorced people out there, we are not alone. About 9% or 867 000 people in Sweden have at least one failed marriage in their baggage

Is excomunication the answer?
To keep the congregation pure and true, people that don´t follow the rules, are excomunicated. The rules are absolute, and if you persist in denying the rules, showing no remorse, you will get kicked out.
Actually, I don´t find this especially strange.
This is the same as with any organized group of people. If you don´t follow the rules set by the group, they have the right to kick you out from the group. You have the free will to do what you want, but you still have to take the consequenses for it.
But is there any difference between beeing excomunicated from a religion, then from a political or social group?
Yes, there is.
The first difference is that in a religion, the rules are supposed to come from God. We´re talking about divine rules here. Nothing you´d easily could argue with. You have no say in the matter. Eiter you follow the rules, or you leave. And while they want you to belive that it´s God that is doing the excomunication, this is not true. The decision is taken by people. People that do misstakes, that are corrupt or just plain humans.
"note:" This is not an argument for or agains the justness in my excomunication. Im only trying to see and write down all the facts
The second difference is that a religion often shapes large parts of your life. Your friends, family and many social things are conected through your religion. Many religions is so powerful beacuse they give people the feeling of belonging to something, and they matter to God. As with an excomunication, all this is ripped away from you.
Third difference is a continuation from nr two. And this is not always true either, depends on the religion. And this is true in my cause. When family decides that they will have nothing to do with you. It´s debateble if the bible condone this kind of rules, but some religious groups have decided that it is God´s will. I have had none to very little contact with several parts of my family, including my father. And this sarifice pains me more than anything else.
I know of people that killed themself after beeing excomunicated because they couldnt handle the emotional pressure.
Im not saying that the only reason was the excomunication, but it could have been what made them tip over.
I know of the pain and the pressure of beeing excomunicated. I hade hope, and could see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was an emotional rollercoaster, but I learned something and got out of it with both feet on the ground.
A religion have a responsibility for its congregation. The people give their hope and lives to God, and God promises them that he/she will guard over them. By excomunicating them and cutting of all contact with them, the religion fails to sheperd over its weak or damaged herd.
Things I love

No words are needed, the pictures speak for themself
I had a dream
I had a dream that was both disturbing and calming at the same time.
When I was excomunicated I still belived in the teachings of Witnesses. I truly belived that Armageddon would come tomorrow, and that I was doomed to death without pardon.
But one night I had a dream that I was dead. But still present in this world. I was some kind of a ghost. And in that dream I know I was triumphant, because I had proven my brother and father wrong. That their belief was wrong, and that I wasnt doomed. Funny part was that I still was dead, so I don´t know if I really had anything to be happy about.
Actually, this last year has been a tornado of different dreams. Seems like I have a lot of things on my mind that need to be dealt with when Im asleep.
I know I dreamt about my father for almost every night for several months. Then i wrote him a letter, and all of a sudden those dreams disappeared. I actually never got an answer to that letter, but that didn´t seem to matter. At least I had done something about it, and that seemed to calm my mind a bit.
I think its time to write him another letter
A three-year old boy, smoking
The mother of the young child was accused of childabused, and also found guilty.
All of this had been discovered when a friend of the mother had been on a visit at the mothers house. During this visit, the young boy had taken a cigarette from his mother, with the mother seeing what he was doing. He was "allowed" to lit the cigarett and according to the friend, seemd to be very familiar with the ways of smoking.
The mother did nothing.
I don´t know if I should cry or laugh. I would think that the situation would look rather comical, if you could appreciate the humor of it.
But seriously, this is awful. How could a mother be so callous against something so dangerous? Thats almost like giving the kid a fork, and but him next to a electricalsoccet and then sitting down beside and watch him electrocute himself.
I guess she was just plain stupid
It´s happened again
10 young people killed in a school in Germany. A former student entered the school earlier today and started, without a word, shooting people around him. Apparently 10 people have been killed and many more injured.
The police have caught the man, and posted guards at the school.
This trend of school-shootings have been going on for about 10 years. The most "famous" one is probably Columbine 1999.
10 years, and almost every year we´ve heard these same news. Some sick kid, or kids, have gone on a rampage and killed alot of innocent young people.
I have no answer to how this can happen, and apparently noone else, since it keeps on happening
Edit: Apparently the police never caught the killer, he had taken is own life in a parkinlot somewere in central Winnenden.
To bear the sins of our fathers
You are a sinful man! From the day you are born, to the day you die you will crawl in the filth that is sin and death.
There is no tabula rasa, your story has alredy been written.
Well, perhaps things are not that bad, but what I´m getting at is the absurd notion that we all do sin everyday and should feel ashamed for it.
Im all for feeling ashamed for things you do. But then it should be something you actually did, that you should have prevented. Perhaps you hurt someones feelings deliberately, or you commited a crime against someone..
But to go everyday and ask for forgivness for beeing human, thats just plain stupid.
Lets take an example: As a witness your not allowed to masturbate. This is said to be something wrong. There are actually nothing in the bible that say that its not ok. Someone lectured in bibleknowledge might ask about Onan? The man that had sex with his brothers wife but ended the intercourse, drew out and came on the ground. He was later killed by God for this. But when you read about this in the bible you soon discover that Onan got a mission to inpregnate his brothers wife, so that the brother could get an offspring. This was something that God wanted, and by not doing his "duties" he displeased God, and got the ulitmate punishment.
Anyhow, Witnesses decided that it´s wrong, since it breeds unpure thoughts and can, according to them, lead to an earlier sexual debut and more active thought towards this unpure subject. And there´s a lot of different religions that of some reason feel that this is wrong.
If this is true, why did God create us with the highest sexual urge before the age of 20, and then recomends that we do not get married before we grow older and more mature? He gave us the abillity to greatly enyoy sex and also the capacati to do it on our own. Why should we then feel guilt for answering this desire? I read somewhere that about 95-98% of all people have masturbated. This is nothing you need to be taught, there is noone that tells you that you should start masturbating, there are no educational videos about it. But still, almost everyon has done it..
Can it really be said that something that comes so naturally to all of us should be banned and frowned at as something inpure and sinful?
We have sin, so that we can be controlled. By making us feel ashamed we seek forgivness from our Father, we want to feel aproved and loved. By controlling sin, you controll man. Guilt is a very strong emotion, and doesn´t have to be logic or relevant.
To be a good man, is not about feeling guilt, its about always aspire to do good things.