Divorcerate, actually less
When I grew up, We always heard that the divorcerate was rising, and that more and more marriages failed.
According to this article, that isnt true. This is only for Sweden, but since Im from here, and live here, thats whats interesting for me.
According to this site, which tracks the population in Sweden we can see a large increase of divorces in 1974 and 1975. About 25,000 marriages each of those years failed and ended. Considering that we have increased our population with about 1 million since then and that the divorces are now down to about 20.000 one can actually see a decrease in divorces.
There are, as far as I can see, no real decrease of the nr entered marriages, so according to statistics divorces are actually less during my lifeperiod, than before.
And for all of us divorced people out there, we are not alone. About 9% or 867 000 people in Sweden have at least one failed marriage in their baggage