Friday the 13:th
How could someone come up with the stupid idea that any friday is a bad day? It would be a lot easier to understand if it would be monday or tuesday. We all hate those days anyway.
But why are some people afraid of this date and day?
Apperantly this has started sometime in the early 1800:ies There are som different ideas on where this comes from.
One is that Jesus had 12 apostles, and when Judas the Betrayer laid down, he was the 13:th. Or that they were 13 at the table and that Jesus died on a friday.
Some other folklore tells that Loke, God of evil and betrail, came as the 13:th guest to a feast in Valhalla. At that feast he trickt another God to shoot its brother by misstake.
The nr 13 has been cirulating as a speciel nr for several thousand year. Before christianity one can find it in books of magic and witchcraft.
I you wanna read more about it, look here