The right to Question
This seem to be a right many people have issues with.
Before I start, i wanna point out that this is not a question about judging. What I mean here is the right to ask for an explanation.
Let´s take an example:
I actually had this disscution with friends of mine last week. We started talking about the possiblity that ghosts really exists. When one in the group said she belived, I asked her for a explanation to why she belived in ghosts. Right there and then she couldn´t give me an answer, and instead went with the classic: I don´t know, I just do.
From here the disscution took a turn from the subject and on to the right to question someones belives.
And to make a long and very lively disccution short, we came to the conclusion that it should be okey to question, but not to judge.
It should be ok for me to question your ideas, but never to put my own ideas as above yours.
It is of course in anyone´s right not to answer, but that doesn´t take away my right to question, true?
Anyhow, we also came to another conclusion that I find particular interesting. We talked about how to affect someone into changing their beliefs. Often you can´t change someone´s belive with just replacing it with another one. Rude fact will probably work in the opposite direction and make the person less likely to listen to what you have to say. This have been proven over and over again in human history. So, how do we do? According to our disscution, and your welcome to challenge me on this point, there´s only one way to make someone change their belife, and that by changing their reason to why they belive in it.
We often kling to things beacuse it makes us feel save, or beacuse we´ve been taught it from parents when we were small.
But if you can get an answer to why they belive in something, you could from there understand where the belief comes from and also start trying to change reason for it.
And why would you like to do something like this you ask. Since there actually are so many bad things that people belive in that only brings pain to the world. for example: Rasism, circumcision(I´m thinking about the barbaric female circumcision) and many more awful thing people belive in and practice! These thing will never change If we are not allowed the right to Question!