The excomunication, part 2
I planned to finish this part yesterday, but four pints of Guinnes and some chess got in the way.
If the spelling is especially bad today, Ill blame the beer..
Since noone commented on the last article, Ill have to write solely from my point of view.
It is hard not to sympathize with the woman and her child. The child has suffered for several years, under the hand of an abusive father. We assume that the mother never knew what was happening before the visit to the doctor.
One would say that this is enought pain for the family to handle.
The mother takes the rather humane decision not to let her 9 year daughter risk going through with the pregnancy, and they have an abortion. There was a apperent risk for the young girl´s life, the only reason why they noticed it was because she complained about intense stomachache when she was only 4 months into the pregnancy.
And after going through all of this, they get the information from the church that they will be excomunicated. That must have been horrid. Feeling that they have done nothing wrong, but suffering a lifelong punishment for it.
As I wrote in the previous article, about 90% of the population of Brazil is catholic. Think about it. You would have 9 out of 10 in every situation that would see you as an outcast, a sinner.
Abortion is not "allowed" according to the bible. It is regarded as a life as soon as the mitoses starts. And if this rule is absolute, than the church have no choise but excomunicate them. But I cant really say that the church acts consistently. Since the abusive father is allowed back, shouldn´t the family be to? The man did in fact abuse the little girl for several years! Not one time, not two, but for several years. And the mother makes a decision to save her 9 year old daughter, and gets kicked out?
Hardly divine fairness, would you say?