The excomunication of a doctor and mother in the Catolic faith

I read some days ago. A 9 year old girl had been raped by her stepdad for several years, and had now been pregnant with twins. This happened in Brazil, where abortions are illegal, aside from when its a result of a rape or when the mothers life is in jepordy.
In this case, both of the qualifications were valid, and a doctor performed the abortion.
This resultet in that the arch-bishop in the country choose to excommunicate both the docor and the mother of the 9-year old child.
And in a country like Brazil, were about 90% of the population are catolic, thats a harsh punishment.

The stepdad that had been raping this young girl is welcome back to the congregation, if he comes back to the church and performs a confession. It seems like the mother and doctor wont have that oppertunity.

Even Cardinal Battista agrees with the arch-bishop and argues that God´s law is above man, and therfore is still valid in this event.

What do you think?
What I think? Ill let you know soon


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